Do you use WhatsApp often? This is an app that is popular in the messaging platform. Everyone with a smartphone uses WhatsApp to communicate with their friends. What makes it stand out is that apart from sending random texts to friends, you can also make video calls or voice calls. It makes it easy for you to reach out to others despite how far they may be.
Though privacy is important, sometimes, there is a need to tap into a person’s WhatsApp profile to protect them. You can hack their WhatsApp account without accessing their phones directly and monitor their activities on the app. There are different spy software that you can use to access someones “Wapp” account and spy their conversations.
We will help you understand the meaning of this action before looking at the specific tools you can use. You may be wondering why you should spy someone else’s conversations. That is why we will also talk about situations that can make you hack another person’s WhatsApp account. Read on!
What is a WhatsApp Hack tool?
Social media is powerful as it helps people keep in touch from worlds apart. It only takes a virtual device for you to reach out to someone in another state. In the past, people had limited access to virtual devices. This limited their ability to communicate simultaneously. The advancement of technology has led to the use of computers and mobile phones which support simultaneous communication.
Mobile application software helps people share various media files such as video files, PDF and GIF files. The application is available on IOS, Android as well as windows phones. The WhatsApp hack tool can help you obtain the confidential data of a person on WhatsApp. Some apps in the market do not work therefore the need to research for you to get the best option.
Why do people use WhatsApp spy tools?
Find a lost phone
You can use these hacks to locate a lost phone. Some apps allow you to track your phone by offering services such as the real-time location. The GPS provides the location of your phone for you to get your device back.
Monitoring your child’s activities
One of the negative impacts of social media is an addiction. A lot of kids spend too much time on their phones connecting with friends and sharing data. Some teenagers can also access pornographic content through their smart devices. Though you cannot prevent your child from accessing the internet, you can monitor their mobile phone activities through WhatsApp hacks. You can also protect your child from cyber-crime through the hacks. This lets you view deleted messages even without going through their phones directly.
Catch cheats
Due to instant messaging, people use WhatsApp all the time. By having a WhatsApp hack, you can easily catch a cheating spouse by spying their conversations. The hacks allow you to track WhatsApp activities of others. You can also spy on a business partner in case they share information that can jeopardize the company.
Use the following methods to hack WhatsApp account
Keylogger apps for smartphones
Most people who have used this app before testify that it is one of the best ways you can use to hack a WhatsApp account. The keylogger can record any keyword that a user types. There are different keylogger apps that you can download to supervise an account and spy on conversations. Keylogger apps are useful because they allow you to spy on conversations without exposing you to getting caught.
Keylogger comes into two types namely the software and hardware form. The hardware comes in the form of an external device which can be connected to a computer for recording data. The software is the type that is used by people to record keystrokes. Download a software keylogger free from play store and hack a person’s WhatsApp account.
This app comes with a free trial for at least three days for you to test if it works as expected. You cannot get it on google play store. Download the app from the official website. It eliminates the need for physical access with a user’s phone for you to spy on their conversations.
The app does more than tracking contact lists from the targeted phone. It can also monitor their location history, browser history, calls and also messages. For you to use it, you don’t need a lot of computer knowledge. It has a simple interface that comes with a hidden mode to protect you.
You only need to install Hoverwatch for you to start receiving log files online. To install, open the official site then enter your email address and password. Go to the button that states “Sign up free” and click on it. This will direct you to a certain URL where you will see the download button. Click on it to install the app on your phone.
You now need to open the Hoverwatch app and select who you would like to monitor using the software. Click on “my device” and hide the Hoverwatch icon then select “OK.” The next page displays the legal terms of using the software. Click on “I accept” button then “activate.” You then need to re-enter your email and password for you start viewing logs on the website.
The software also comes with a free trial for some time though you can choose the paid version. It can send log files such as call records and messages remotely without the target’s knowledge. Ikeymonitor also records keystrokes and can send the log files within a short period.
The installation is easy. Visit the official site and select the free trial to download. A mail from ikeymonitor is then sent to your email account. Open the software and log in using your account. After logging in, select the device that you are using whether Android or iPhone then click on the “Confirm” button then click on “install.” Use the license key you receive on your mail to install the hacking app in the targeted phone. The successful installation allows you to get longs online.
Mac spoofing
This software can also help you spy on someone’s conversations by hacking their WhatsApp account. First, install the media access control app. The network adapter manufacture stipulates a unique physical address which is known as the MAC address. You have to uninstall WhatsApp on your mobile device. Then, get access to the phone you want to hack for a while to identify its MAC address.
You can know the MAC address of a phone through the settings. Select “About Phone” then “Status.” These actions will direct you to the Wi-Fi MAC address. If the user is using an iPhone, go to the settings then choose “General.” The Wi-Fi Mac address should be displayed on the “About” section.
Follow the same procedure to identify the MAC address of your phone. This allows you to install the spoofing app on your device. You need to alter your MAC address to match that of the user’s device. It is now time to reinstall WhatsApp on your phone so that you can use the number for the verification code.
Reaccess the targeted phone to confirm the verification code sent on it. Delete this message so that they do not suspect any activity. The process is now complete for you to spy on their conversations without their knowledge.
Using WhatsApp Hack Tool
You can use “HackSpyWapp” on Android, Windows, Mac, and IOS to spy on chats and calls on a person you want to keep safe. Though other apps come with a free trial period, you don’t have to pay to use this app to have its full features experience. It also comes with numerous options that make it easy and safe to use. For instance, you can text their contacts without their knowledge and update profile pictures.
This application can be download from its official website:
(Write the link manually inside your browser’s URL box)
The software also lets you pretend to be the original account holder since you can update status messages while remaining anonymous. It supports all countries and helps you hack a WhatsApp account within few minutes. It also comes with some terms that you have to agree to before downloading the program. You should use the tool for education and personal purposes only, or for parental controlling.
WhatsApp Backup Extractor
Do you need to go through old WhatsApp messages from a person’s account? You can restore them from a backup file using this software. The software was initially used on IOS devices alone, but you can now use it on Android devices too. It allows you to get access from the phone as well as iCloud and iTunes.
For you to use it on an android device, you need first get the dr.fone software which matches the Android operating system. You must run the dr.fone then select the WhatsApp messages you would like to review before clicking “Next.” You can either select deleted messages or scan the entire file. Click on “Restore” for you to view the WhatsApp messages. You must activate debugging for it to work accordingly. Though you can get old deleted messages, the problem with the app is that it lacks real-time hacking.
Final thoughts
Though Whatsapp is a popular instant messaging application, it can be vulnerable. Sometimes, hacking someone’s account can protect them from getting into trouble. The apps to hack this account may be many, but not all of them work. Above are some of the most useful apps that you can try to spy on conversations. Be careful to avoid getting discovered.